
wedding - All Products

Select a product, upload a photo, and we'll find the best artist to paint "wedding paintings". You can browse weddingpainting samples from real customers and artists.

Instapainting lets you get your photo painted or drawn by a real artist, starting at just $89.Just upload a photo and we automatically match you with an artist suited for your order who ships you the artwork. Most orders are delivered to your door within 3 weekswith expedited shipping. This gallery showcases real orders from real artists and customers.

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Customer painting sample

Laura & Ari Davidson from Chicago,
★★★★★ • Very happy with how the painting turned out!

Customer painting sample

Jonathan Cox from Lincoln,
★★★★★ • Looks great! Thanks!

Customer painting sample

Daniel Rosenberg from Los Angeles,
★★★★★ • Hey do you know what day this should land? I checked the tracking and it doesn't say.

Aaron Andress from Indianapolis,
★★★★★ • The painting was phenomenal! The pictures truly don't do it justice. The artist did an outstanding job and the newlyweds absolutely loved it! Thank you so much!

Shelley Shouse from Murfreesboro,
★★★★★ • Absolutely beautiful and perfect!!! Thank you.

Lorelee Wetherbee from Lancaster,
★★★★★ • Excellent ability to recreate a pa8nt8ng fr9m a photo or combination of photos. She will work with you to get what you want in your treasured painting. Very realistic paint8ng with good detail.